What you don't get from these pictures is the sweet squeals and cooing sounds that come from this wiggly cutie, nor do you hear the rest of her Tia's and her Mama speak all kinds of lovey things, nor can you feel her chubby hands and cheeks.
You're missing out.
One of the things I love about being a Tia, is the excuse it gives me to knit all sorts of things for my adorable nieces and nephew (remember this knitted dress?). Though enjoyable, this project took me a bit more time to complete than I'd like, due mostly to the concentration I needed to get the hang of the lace pattern and I can only take so much of the stockinette pattern but at long last it is completed and more importantly, it still fits her. :)
For this project, I used the Wave Jumper pattern from this book (thank you, library!); the blue wool from England (via my Dad on one of his business trips), the green wool from one of the craft shows at Homestead Heritage, and the buttons are re-purposed from an unworn jacket. The pattern was easy peasy to figure out and looks like it'll fit Eba for months to come, or at least until this weather stays cool. ;)
I probably won't be doing any personal knitting for a while as I have a few other projects on "the list" but after those are completed, I'd love to find yarn for this delightful shawlette or this super cute sweater.
What's on your project list?