Monday 12 September 2011


"Sometimes I have days where I just feel overwhelmed. Not defeated, not hopeless, not even stressed....just, overwhelmed. Usually in part by the amount of things that I need to accomplish for my clients, my business and my life, and in part by the things life throws at me that are completely out of my control."

is a fabulous wedding photographer based out of Virginia, 
(here's her website and blog!)and happens to be one of my favorite photographers;
You might have already seen her on my {Inspirations} page.
I would describe her work as crisp, creative, and very cheerful.
Her bright and friendly personality is pretty adorable, as you can see in these 
snippets of her recent wedding. (as captured by the talented Rebekah Murray)
It was on Tori's blog that the quoted passages were found~
~thanks so much, Tori, for letting me share them here!

That could easily describe my own thoughts in lately.
As I've hinted in past posts, I'm working on making changes in how I run my business and where I want to go with it; much time, research, and thought has been put into these changes and while I can't unveil the changes yet (nope, they're not quite ready!), I'm excited about them. : )
This combined with other things going that have piled up were the reasons that I was so thankful to read that post ; somehow, knowing that someone else felt the same way made my own struggle easier. What's more is the way Tori continued:

"But it's when I reach the state of this kind of overwhelming thought and feeling that I'm beyond grateful to be able to look to the One who more than knows what to do with all of the things set before me. All of the things that I'm responsible for, all of the things I feel ill-equipped to handle, and all of the things I can't understand and can't control. It's the reassurance of His all-knowing, all-understanding and all-loving ways that remind me I don't have to try to figure out how to juggle things that overwhelm me. I just need to look to Him, one day at a time, and walk in the grace and peace He freely and overwhelmingly provides to cover over even the most confusing life situations."

Which is truly the most comforting and sustaining in this "overwhelming" time; I can be grateful for these times because it is now that I am driven to my knees in a deeper sense; these are the times when I am made aware of my own inability and weaknesses in different ways, thus giving me a greater appreciation for His sufficiency and strength. I don't have to do this on my own.

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, 
the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, 
who comforts us in all our affliction, 
so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, 
with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. 

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