As usual around this time of year, when people ask how I am doing I say,
"Oh busy, busy, but a good kind of busy."
"Busy"--Studying, sewing, knitting, hosting, travelling...you get the idea, LIFE.
But it seems that particularly, right around my favorite time of year, things happen.
For instance:
::Knitting like a crazy woman, preparing for trunk shows and custom orders::
::Planning a family vacation up the East Coast!!! We've wanted to do it for ages and, Lord willing, will be spending Thanksgiving in New York with some dear friends (!!!!!!).
I'm so excited ::
::Hosting Austin family this weekend for Semper Reformanda conference (looking forward to hearing Paul Washer!)::
::When I can drag upself up in the wee small hours of the morning, I study (currently for the English Lit exam--which I love)::
Right, so, it doesn't seem like a huge load when I type it all out
but let me tell you, there are lots of "little" things that fill in the day!
I'm learning to be more devoted to a schedule instead of the
naturally flexible and spontaneous person that I am :)
What fills your fall days?
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