Tuesday 13 November 2012

now playing...

Happy Tuesday, friends!
Today I am knocking out a list of sewing projects (loads of nursing covers for the North Carolina shop I sell to), running errands, and drinking a large quantity of Chocolate Monkey Rooibus tea (think of it as a hot tea version of Ben & Jerry's "Chunky Monkey", I know, it's my favorite flavor too). This fabulous song, which has already been played a number of times, was discovered via pandora radio a few weeks ago and I've been enjoying it ever since; good tune and lyrics make for a wonderful combination. Also, slightly on the back burner, I'm getting a few things together for a small get together celebrating twenty-something years of this curly head; yes indeed, a birthday is just around the corner (like, next week)! More on that later, but if you want to plan ahead, check out my pinterest for gift ideas, if you want...


Anonymous said...

elena...you are so cool, I wonder why? Oh yeah, dad.

Maria Goff said...

Hi darling!
OOOOH I am SO tired of chocolate monkey. I need a break! I've been enjoying lotus green tea. Miss you! Let's get together soon :)

Elena said...

Maria! That's so funny, aside from a large cup of the Perfect Blend, I can't seem to warm my hands any other way! Yes, I'll call you about next week, I'm thinking Monday might be good...
Love you!


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