Tuesday 28 February 2012

dear kyleigh

 Dear Kyleigh,

First of all, Mica and I miss you dreadfully. It seems that every day we talk about the wonderful times we had in Dubai and how we treasure the time spent getting to know you. Though it's still too soon to talk about visiting again (our dear family must still recover from the six week separation), I am looking forward to it.

Secondly, I wanted to let you know how pleasantly surprised I was to be tagged in your post! It's been quite a while since I participated in something like this but here we go!

This is an open tag, so anyone who would like to participate is welcome.

1. Sometimes I have a green smoothie, an orange, and banana with peanut butter and honey for breakfast, love those mornings.
2. Thus far I have traveled to eight countries.
3. Oh, bother, this is rather awkward...
4. I love traveling.
5. My favorite films include but are certainly not limited to Life is Beautiful, The Bourne Trilogy, Return to Me, Braveheart, Sherlock Holmes, The Young Victoria, and...
6. I regularly make biscotti for my doctor (after all, who wants to be remembered by their medical chart?)
7. Pavlova is something I am still trying to master (love eating it but have trouble making it...)
8. Decorating, wedding/event planning, knitting, crafting, collecting are hobbies I make a business of doing.
9. Learning different accents and languages is something I love doing.
10. I rarely get the opportunity but I love horseback riding and performing on the stage (not simultaneously).
11. When I was a little girl, I lived on peanut butter sandwiches and a mexican version of spaghetti o's, played "house" just about every day, and colored and painted when I wasn't playing "house", and whenever we went to the pool I wore three swimsuits---at the same time.

What am I reading right now? Well, I have a few things going right now: Travel guides for France and England, Pygmalion, and The E-Myth Revisited are on our little book table in the bathroom, Muslims and Christians at the Table and Family Shepherds are books I've been slowly reading through, and I'm speed reading Girls Like Us.
What's one that that's impacted my life more than anything else? Wow, this one brings to mind many things but the biggest one that stands out is 2 Corinthians 4; since being saved, this passage has been one that I continually read and refer to many times during many seasons of my life. I've seen hardships, trials, joys, and times of wonderful normalcy, in each of these (and many in between) the book of 2 Corinthians and specifically chapter four has come to mind.
What's my favorite noise? It would have to be a collection of babies cooing, church bells, a thunderstorm, the ocean, deep and rich cello notes, and the sound of uncontrollable, belly-aching laughter.
What's the weirdest food I've eaten? Escargot, by far. It was a stormy day when we girls were stuck in an airport, just wanting to get on a plane (was that too much to ask??).
What's my favorite game? I really enjoy playing group games like "Empire" and "Charades", group games of hide and seek are pretty fun too. ; )
What would I do if the world was going to end tomorrow? Hm...that's an excellent question...
If I could be a movie/book/tv character, who would I be and why? What a question, well, after MUCH thought, I can't seem to think of anyone else besides Jane Bennet and Elinor Dashwood (not sure what is the source of the Austen tendency but there you have it).
Scuba diving or rock climbing? I'd love to give scuba diving a try one day, though I do love a good mountain hike (probably because you can have conversations at the same time, not so with underwater activities).
Where's my favorite place in all the world? Call me sentimental but my favorite place is to be with people I love. As I was looking back to all the places I've lived and visited I remember that I only went to those places because my family or dear friends were there. Now, sentiments aside, I absolutely loved being in Germany, Europe in general and Germany specifically. We had a great experience there and I'd love to go back someday. Scotland, I'd love to go there too...
What's my favorite weather? Well, here in Houston it can be cold, rainy, sunny, and breezy all in the same day. After much deliberation, I decided that it might have been better for me to have a multiple personality disorder (just kidding!!) because I love a breezy, sunny, warm day on the beach and a grey day with a crisp breeze and slight rain (with a cup of something please).
What's my favorite conversation starter? Whenever I meet people, I try to use my Sherlock deducing skills and observe as much as I can about the other person, then ask questions that will confirm or deny my observations (Are you from Pakistan? What sort of band do you play in? How long have you been a celiac?). I love talking with people, especially people who like to share about themselves.

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